How to get ready to downsize

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

Don’t let the process keep you from the freedom found in having a small home to manage and take care of.

Many people have the intent to downsize but rarely do they act on it.


Because it is so overwhelming!

How do you decide what to keep and what to part with, especially when there is so much stuff?

But once you do make the separation, then how on earth do you go about getting rid of it?

Do you donate it?

Do you sell it?

Do you throw it away?

What if it has value?

What if the kids don’t want it?

Downsizing is such a freeing experience once someone moves through the details of what and how.

Allow us to give some guidance.

1) the kids probably don’t want it

They might want some but it will be very small in what you hope they will take.

2) donating is definitely an option

But will require several appointments and lots of boxing up on your part.

3) please don’t throw it away

Our planet doesn’t need more stuff chunked into the landfill unnecessarily.

4) selling is a great way to send it off to another owner

Beware of the trap that goes something like “I’ll do it myself”. Trying to sell a large quantity of items yourself will make a mountain out of a molehill.

I highly recommend calling in a professional if this is the route you want to take.

For example, during our estate sale process, we allow you the space and time to move out what you’d like and then we come in and handle the rest.

The trash. The donations. The sale. And everything in between like cleaning and marketing and pricing.

Successful sales are found in the details, which is where we shine!

Let us help guide you through the downsize journey! We are here to help!


Before the madness of moving